at least 5 additional pages to give us flexibility to develop.
– facility for us to upload files to make them available for download (e.g. our meeting minutes and reports)

– we have a full complement of members now I think – so the
‘About us’ page would need additional copy to supply to you

– ability to show video clips and briefing sessions that we have recorded on Zoom
(website would be central hub for all material we generate so needs to include ability to run/link video)

Social Media Links
Twitter, FaceBook and LinkedIn currently in the frame
perhaps TikTok for a future stage of engagement

Monthly Updates
3) bi-weekly updates to the site. primarily:
– add in small covering text on the ‘news’ and ‘our work’ pages
– add links to external sites on the above pages
– update member profiles as/when necessary

Email Hosting
4) Email hosting for 3 mail addresses ‘chair@’, ‘admin@’ and ‘hello@’
I think this would be via Google or Outlook but profess I have no idea how that works or is configured…!  I suspect this is nothing to do with the website!  If it is, do let me know.

5) basic analytics to understand where visitors to the site are from, what they view/download

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